Sunday, July 31, 2011

R.I. President's Monthly message - August, 2011

RI President's Monthly message - August, 2011

My dear brothers and sisters in Rotary,

There is an old saying in India: "When you help your neighbor's boat across the water, you find that your own has reached the shore." By helping others, we often find that we have helped ourselves as well.

Each of us came to Rotary to serve – and found the joys and satisfactions of friendship and fellowship. In August, the month we dedicate to membership and development, we focus on spreading the message of Rotary. By serving well, without hiding our Rotary light under the proverbial bushel, we find ourselves closer to our own goal: a stronger, more vibrant Rotary for generations to come.

Public image and membership go hand in hand. Too many people – intelligent, educated, involved people – simply have no idea what Rotary is. This is something we need to confront. We have heard again and again about communities where, despite all the good work that Rotary clubs do, many people are unaware that those clubs even exist. This is not the way forward for our organization.

Serving well is the essential first step – but it is only the beginning. We have to raise our profile with all the tools that are available to us, and there are more tools today than there ever were. We have to use social media such as Twitter and Facebook, and we have to be sure our clubs have an online presence. Having a website is not enough; it must be up to date, it must be appealing, it must reflect the work we are doing. And it must offer a way for prospective members, once they see what we do and become interested, to take the next step.

Rotary has so much to offer. It is up to us to let others know what a fantastic organization we have, and to show people how they can integrate Rotary into their lives. Service does require time, and time is something nobody has enough of these days. So we need to ensure that all the time we spend with Rotary is worthwhile – that it is rewarding and never wasted. When we reach within ourselves and our clubs, when we learn what we are capable of and harness that power, we will elevate our communities as never before – and elevate Rotary as well.

Kalyan Banerjee
President, Rotary International

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Tree Plantation & Movie Show

Dear Friends,
After the blast of the Movie, that we had seen, yesterday. It was time for action and
We have just concluded a Tree Platation Project in association with our " Young and Enthusiastic Rotaractors ".

* Spl Thanks to Rtr. Devyani, President Rotaract club, for her meticulous planning.
Best Part of the Project was :-

1) A short talk on the benefits and characteristics of each plant sowed was given.

2) Each and every one attending the Project was given a plant to sow at home, so that the habbit gets inculcated and does not end there with just sowing a plant.

* God Job " Rtr Devyani ". All our Best Wishes are with you.
Photographs of the movie show and Tree Plantation are being uploaded on face book, visit the link below to have a look.
Rotary Regards,
(Rtn. Vikas Kumar)
Hon. Club Secretary, 2011-12,
Rotary Club of Delhi Riverside, Dist 3010
Mobile :- 98103-16383
Important Links :-
1) Facebook Page Link :-  Click Here to reach facebook
2) Web Blog of Our Club :- Just Click Here
3) Group Mail address :-

Thursday, July 21, 2011

First Formal Board Meeting

Dear Friends,

First Board meeting of the Current Rotary Year was held yesterday evening i.e. 20th July, 2011 at our President Rtn. Ajit Mishra's Office.

Few important decisions were taken by the Board members.

Minutes of the meeeting are being prepared and shall be circulated soon.

Kind Regards,

(Rtn. Vikas Kumar)
Honorary Club Secretary, 2011-2012.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Message from R.I. President - Rtn. Kalyan Banerjee

My dear brothers and sisters in Rotary!

All of us in Rotary are looking to change the world – why else would we be Rotarians? We believe that our world can be happier, healthier, and more peaceful, and that we can create that better world through our service.

In 2011-12, I will ask Rotarians to Reach Within to Embrace Humanity . I will ask you to search first within yourselves, to understand that all of us, everywhere, have the same dreams, the same hopes, the same aspirations, and similar dilemmas. When we understand, and truly feel, that others' needs are the same as our own, we begin to understand how important our work is. In the year ahead, we will have three emphases in our Rotary service.

Our first emphasis in this Rotary year will be the family. The family and the home are at the core of all our work – all our service begins here. And through the family, we approach all of our community and indeed, all of humanity, as an extended family, in which all members care for each other. In times of joy and in times of need, no one is ever alone.

Our second emphasis will be continuity – finding the things we do well and taking them to the next level. We must build on our successes, expand on them, and strive to do even more. Of course, our greatest obligation is to PolioPlus, where success is now so close.

And our third emphasis will be change. We must understand that true change can only begin with each of us, and start within us. We cannot share peace with others if we do not have it to give. We cannot look after the whole world without first looking after those closest to us: our families, our clubs, and our communities.

Mohandas K. Gandhi said, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." In Rotary, we endeavor to live ethically and honestly, to share friendship and fellowship, to see equal worth in every human being. We are not interested in the lowest common denominator, for Rotary is anything but common. Instead, we work to elevate ourselves, elevate others, and thereby embrace the world.

Together, we will Reach Within to Embrace Humanity . And in peace, harmony, and friendship, we will bring change – and a more joyful world.

Kalyan Banerjee
President, Rotary International